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Joseph Nowell piano
Michele Bondesan double bass
Giuseppe Sardina drums




Katharsis was born in 2020 from the meeting of three musicians and long-time friends who had been playing together for years in different contexts (BlueRing Improvisers among others) and decided to bring together their mutual influences in a stable formation.


The trio aims to reconcile European jazz, the heritage of free, contemporary sounds, and impromptu composition, creating fragile but intense music, instinctively controlled and made consistent by the deep contact between the musicians.


Their debut album People and Places (Aut Records 2022) was recorded in 2021, consisting only of original pieces written specifically for this formation by the three musicians, who explore them through the practice of free improvisation.







  • A surprising and deceitfully simple album that presents itself discreetly to the listener, offering many possible paths [...] and eventually inviting him to enter the depth of every piece to discover its true essence. The trio works amazingly [...]

Review by Vincenzo Roggero, All About Jazz



  • "People and Places" is a fine record, in which the musicians bring the history of jazz from the 60s into our time in an extremely pleasant way. These are three musicians who, already on their debut album, have found a common musical denominator that is exciting, pleasant and delightful to listen to. 

Review by Jan Granlie, Salt Peanuts



  • [...] Katharsis (Bondesan/Nowell/Sardina) in People and Places (Aut) boast excellent geometries which are never trivial, and great interplay. An extremely valuable [recording].

Alberto Bazzurro, L'isola che non c'era


Featured on "Battiti" (Rai Radio 3), November 1st 2022


Featured on "One Man's Jazz", July 7th 2022


Featured on Ritmo Sincopato - il jazz in Italia


Featured on "Strange Fruits", Radio Panik (Brussels), December 17th 2022


Released May 16, 2022

Recorded, Mixed and Mastered
by Antonio Castiello and Aldo De Sanctis at Jambona Lab in Livorno on November 22-23-24, 2021

Artworks by Francesco Poiana
Layout by Sandro Crisafi

Produced by Katharsis and Aut Records



Michele Bondesan


Bassist with a strong foundation in classical and contemporary music, Michele Bondesan boasts many years of experience in jazz and musical research and has played with the best Italian artists in these sectors, such as Giancarlo Schiaffini, Stefano Battaglia, Gabriele Mitelli, Tobia Bondesan, Andrea Grillini, Silvia Bolognesi, Emanuele Parrini, Luca Perciballi, Alessandro Giachero, Achille Succi. He has played at Umbria Jazz, Torino Jazz Festival, Novara Jazz, Istanti Sonori, Now Music Festival, Torrione Jazz Club, Festival Aperto di Reggio Emilia, Jazz Chili Congress and is featured in many albums, such as: Fabbrica5, a Simple Lunch Records 2016; Bluering – Vol. I, Rudi Records 2018; Brotherhood Oak, Aut Records 2019; Materia, Aut Records 2020; Big Monitors Knotes and Notes, Auand 2022; BlueRing Underwood, Aut Records 2022; Katharsis People and Places, Aut Records 2022.


Michele is one of the artistic directors of Bluering-Improvisers collective and the Now Music Festival.



Giuseppe Sardina


Drummer/percussionist born in 1985, Giuseppe Sardina boasts a long career which can be divided in jazz drumming and activity as drummer/percussionist in musical research, radical improvisation and contemporary music.


He has studied jazz with Jeff Ballard, Billy Hart, Eric Harland, Adam Nusbaum, Ferenc Nemeth, Ben Perowsky, Roberto Gatto, Fabrizio Sferra, Ettore Fioravanti, Massimo Manzi, Bobby Watson, Enrico Rava, Palle Danielson, Anders Jormin, Eddie Gomez, Tim Berne, Mauro Negri, Jimmy Snidero, Gianluigi Trovesi and Maurizio Giammarco. He has collaborated with many jazz musicians, including: Dave Burrell, Ares Tavolazzi, Dario Deidda, Roberto Cecchetto, Antonello Salis, Achille Succi, Alessandro Giachero, Maurizio Giammarco, Pietro Condorelli, Gabriele Evangelista, Giovanni Maier, Stefano Cantini, Mauro Ottolini, Silvia Bolognesi, Emanuele Parrini, Greg Burk, Davide Boato, Stefano Risso. 


In musical research, improvised and contemporary music, he has studied with Stefano Battaglia, Joelle Leandre, Michele Rabbia, Daniele Roccato, Alessio Riccio and others, and has played and collaborated with Stefano Battaglia, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Fabrizio Puglisi, Cristiano Calcagnile, Walter Prati, Pasquale Mirra, Nicolao Valiensi, Claudio Riggio, Piero Bronzi, Marco Fagioli, Marco Ariano, Tony Cattano, Fausto Beccalossi, Carlo Rizzo, Tobia Bondesan, Michele Bondesan, Glauco Benedetti, Luca Perciballi, Stefano Grasso and Federico Calcagno.


Giuseppe has recorded 12 albums for labels such as: Dodicilune Records, AUT Records, Filibusta Records, Rudi Records, Over Studio Records, and has played in many Italian and European clubs and festivals in Milan, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Palermo, Naples, Bari, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Barcelona, Copenaghen, Geneva, Sibiu, Antwerp, Brussels, Bruges, Bilbao, Pigna, etc.




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